Tuesday 19 August 2014

Battle royale between Regina Reyes and Lord Allan Velasco on eve of HRET meet.

The battle royale in the House between incumbent Marinduque Rep. Gina Ongsiako Reyes and defeated rival Lord Allan Velasco is far from over and complicating ramifications involve the Supreme Court where Velasco’s father, Associate Justice Presbitero Velasco, is a member as well as the chair of the House of Representatives Electoral Tribunal (HRET).

To refresh you readers’ memory, the provincial board of canvassers of Marinduque proclaimed Reyes as rightful winner in 2013 and she was proclaimed in a mass-swearing in by no less than the President at Malacanang as well as by Speaker Belmonte at the opening of Congress in July of 2013. Since then Reyes has sat as a member of the House.

The first complication came in when Comelec began questioning her assumption into office, based on the claim on an anonymous blogger that Reyes allegedly is not a Filipino citizen and in fact uses an American passport. On this basis Comelec proclaimed Velasco winner. Reyes has fought this  issue of her alleged US citizenship and interestingly, Comelec Chair Sixto Brillantes himself filed a dissenting opinion stating that evidence on hand vs. Reyes (from the unnamed blogger) is mere hearsay.  


In answer to this issue, the Reyes camp asserts that Sec. 17, Art. VI, the “Legislative Department,” of the Constitution provides that all questions pertaining to the election of House members fall under the jurisdiction of the HRET. This constitutional principle has been upheld over the past year, enabling Reyes to stay in office.

Recently, however, in anticipation of convening of HRET for the second regular session of the 16th Congress this coming Aug. 28, a “draft decision” is being circulated among HRET members, allegedly prepared by a prominent SC justice-member of the HRET (a copy was sent to Reyes by a concerned House member). The Reyes camp alleges that this “draft decision” aims to convince Comelec and the SC to disqualify her in favor of Justice Velasco's son. Thus, it allegedly seeks "to precondition and influence the disposition by the other (HRET) members” of (this) case."

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